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Mass Times after Easter


Sunday 9th April - Sunday 16th April

Easter Sunday (9th April)

8.30pm (Saturday 8th April) EASTER VIGIL MASS

9.00am Mass 

11.15am Mass 


Easter Monday (10th April)

9:00am Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament  09:40am Morning Prayer

               10:00am Mass followed by Rosary

Church Closes after Rosary


Easter Tuesday (11th April)

9:00am Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament  09:40am Morning Prayer

               10:00am Mass followed by Rosary


Easter Wednesday (12th April)

9:00am Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament  09:40am Morning Prayer

               10:00am Mass followed by Rosary

Church Closes after Rosary


Easter Thursday (13th April)

6.00pm Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament

               7.00pm Mass


Easter Friday (14th April)

09:00am Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament  09:40am Morning Prayer

               10:00am Mass followed by Rosary


​ Easter Saturday (15th April)

09:45am Morning Prayer  followed by Rosary

10.30am Mass (Easter Lillies) followed by Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament

and Confessions (11.00 - 11.50am)

11.50am Benediction and Regina Caeli

5.00pm - 5.45pm Exposition (Confession available)

6.00pm Anticipated Mass of Sunday

Second Sunday of Easter (16th April)

9.00am Mass  

11.15am Mass 

2.00pm Divine Mercy Devotions

 6pm Mass  

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