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Catechetics and Formation

To know, love and proclaim Jesus Christ confidently in the world

Catechetics and Formation: Programs

Sunday School

We are delighted to be able to resume our Sunday School programme this academic year.  The new year  of our Sunday School will commence in September for all year groups.

We ask you register your children before 30th June, if possible.

First Holy Communion is usually for children going into Year 3 (or above) in September. 

Confirmation is usually for young people who are at least 14 years of age (School Year 9 in September).

Sunday School application forms will be available on request.

For more information, please contact Fr. Tom or the Parish R.E. Co-ordinator Elvadia Tolputt in person or by email:


Sacramental Preparation

Baptism is the gateway to the Sacraments and the beginning of our Christian Journey. The Church encourages Baptism of children early in life. Here in St Matthew's we are always delighted to welcome families who seek Baptism for their children. Please contact Fr Tom through the office for more information.

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Preparation for First Confessions, First Holy Communion & Confirmation

Here at St Matthew's we link our Sacramental Preparation programs with the Sunday School. Preparation for the celebrations of First Confessions and First Holy Communion takes place usually for children in Year Three, and Confirmation for teenagers who are in Year Nine. For teenagers who are not in Catholic Schools, we ask that they join the catechetical program for both Years Eight and Nine.



Christian Marriage is an invaluable witness to God's love at the work in the world. Marriages are celebrated at St Matthew's by appointment. For those approaching the Church for Marriage, we ask that you give us at least six-months notice, in order that requisite paperwork can be completed with the minimum of fuss. Please see Fr Tom for more information.

Image by Petr Ovralov

Adults Joining the Church

The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is the journey that adults who wish to Join the Catholic Community through receiving the Sacraments. These celebrations traditionally take place during the Easter season. Please contact Fr Tom through the office for more information.

Photograph © Mazur/

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